I was still having some issues with my Virtual Radar Server (VRS) installation.  I could get all of the aircraft in view, but there were no shapes showing.  I went to the Radarspotting forums (https://radarspotting.com/forum/index.php), where I met some really helpful and knowlegeable people, who fixed this in a flash. 

Turns out that VRS is quite picky around the version of mono in use, but the MyPiAware github has a script to cover it all for you.

Remove any eixisting mono installs by using

sudo apt purge mono-complete

From a command line on the linux machine you wish to install, type the following command:

bash -c "$(wget -qO - https://github.com/mypiaware/virtual-radar-server-installation/raw/master/virtual_radar_server_install.sh)"

A user on the forums going by rikgale has some scripts to make VRS better.

Add custom markers - https://github.com/rikgale/VRSCustomMarkers

Add additional layers - https://github.com/rikgale/VRSCustomLayers (the instructions are a bit outdated, but should work)

Use a custom local aircraft list - https://github.com/rikgale/LocalAircraft

You can see their work using the following link:- https://www.cornwallvrs.duckdns.org/vrs/desktop.html

All up and running, so I am one happy little airspotter :)